Your share draft checking account with Bell Credit Union features no monthly service charge when you write under 50 checks per month. No minimum balance is required. With your checking account you can also receive a debit card and leave the checkbook at home. A debit card is a quick, easy way to make purchases and also get cash at any of the over 30,000 no charge ATM’s on the Co-op Network.
Age 55 and older qualify for our “Club Checks” free of charge.
With Member Access you can monitor your account, view checks written and make transfers and loan payments anytime day or night.
You have the option to setup automatic transfers from your savings account to your checking account to avoid “accidental overdrafts”.
Your account is federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government by National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.
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