Credit Unions are tax-exempt for a good reason. Since 1937, when Congress recognized the unique nature of credit unions and granted them tax-exempt status, CU’s have striven to provide their member-owners with an ever-growing range of financial services with high member value. Credit Unions exist primarily to serve members, not to create a profit for stockholders. CU’s are Volunteer Driven, our Board of Directors and committees are made of individuals elected by the members – all of them unpaid. The active involvement of member-owners is the cornerstone of Credit Union philosophy.
Your vote at our annual meeting determines who is on the committees and Board that governs and shapes the future of your credit union. Bell Credit Union is a not-for-profit cooperative, this means that no one person owns your credit union, all members own Bell Credit Union together. As a cooperative, Bell Credit Union exists to provide all members with affordable, convenient financial services. Credit union earnings are not held as reserves, but rather returned to members in the form of lower loan rates and fees, higher returns on savings, and better services. And Bell Credit Union is federally insured which means we are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. We proudly display the NCUA symbol.
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